Hunting Travel Tours
Reservations & Payments
1.1. Reservations can be made by contacting Caliber7 Safaris, herein after referred to as the Company" or through your booking agent
1.2. Hunts are booked and confirmed only on receipt of a 50% deposit of the hunting rate. This deposit is due within ten(10] days of making the reservation. Thereshall be no binding contract until the deposit has been paid.
Failure to remit your deposit on time may result in an automatic release of the confirmed space and the possible inability to reinstate your reservation. When the Company acknowledges receiptin writing of the deposit to you, it shall be deemedto constitute acceptance and confirmation of the reservation.
1.3. The balance is due no later than hundred fifty (150] days prior to commencement of your safari.lf the balance has not been received by that date, the Company shall be entitled at this discretion to treat your reservation as cancelled and consequently to forfeit such part of the deposit as determined solely by the Company.
1.4. Any reservationmade within hundred (100) days of commencement of your hunting may be accepted provided space is available, payment in full is received, and documents can be delivered prior to departure.
1.5. The Company will not provide tickets, coupons, vouchers or documents until full payment is received by the Company.
2. Cancellations & Refunds
2.1. Deposits are non refundable. For carry over the hunt for following year would be at the option of Caliber7 Safaris.
2.2. We strongly recommend you to buy a cancellation insurance as soon as you book your hunting.
2.3. The client is fully responsible of paying all the permit and license, trophy fees cost in full in case of cancellation.
2.4. Wounded animals can be tracked as much as possible and if they can not be found thetrophy is counted bagged and no refunds will be given for unbagged trophies
3. For Your Information
3.1. The Company acts as booking agent for hotels, airtines, air charters, bus companies, ground transportation, boat purveyors or owners and other independent contrac- tors providing accommodations, transportation, and/or other services abroad. Each of these companies is an independent coorporation with its own management and is not subject to the control of Caliber7 Safaris ., including, but not imited to various over seas ground operators
32. All bookings like those described above are accepted by the Company, as agent for independent overseas ground operators. The transportation, accommodations, and other services provided by the ground operators are offered ubject to the terms and conditions contained in the tickets, exchange orders or vouchers issued by them and/ or their suppliers. Because the Company does not have the right to control the opera- tions of the independent operators and their suppliers. IT CANNOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY PERSONAL INJURY OR PROPERTY DAMAGE which may arise out of these services The Company reserves the right to cancel any itinerary or any part of it, to make such alterations in the itinerary as it seems necessary or desirable, to refuse to accept or to retain as a member of any safari members any expenditure occasioned by delays or events beyond its control. In case of any appreciable variation in its cost, the Company reserves the right to adjust its rates.
4. Risks
4.1. The Company draws your attention to the fact that there are certain inherent risks nvolved in participating in the type of trip; sold by the Company and that you accept them at your own risk.
4.2. It is your sole responsibility to take all appropriate medical advice prior to departure as to whether you are fit enough to undertake the trip booked. The Company shall nat be liable for illness, injury or death sustained on a program sold by the Company which is not due to the gross negligence of the Company, its officers, employees, authorized representatives or agents whomsoever.
5. Force Majeure
5.1. Force Majeure" means, in relation to the Company, any circumstances beyond the reasonable control of the Company including, but without limitation, acts of Cod, explosion, flood, tempest, fire or accident, war or threat of war, sabotage, insurrection, civil disturbance, or requisition, sickness, quarantine, government intervention, weather conditions or other untoward occurrences).
52. If the company is affected by "Force Majeure" it shall forthwhit notify you of the nature and extent thereof.
5.3. The Company shall not be deemed to be in breach of these terms and conditions or otherwise be liable to you, by reason of delay in performance, or by non-performance, of any of its obligations hereunder to the extent that any such delay or non-perfor- mance is due to any"Force Majeure.
5.4. If the Company is affected by Force Majeure it shall be entitled to and may in its sole and absolute discretion, vary or cancel any itinerary or arrangement in relation to the trip. Payment of any refund by the Company to you as a result of the non-performance of any of the Company's obligation hereunder shall remain in its sole and absolute discretion although the Company shall use its reasonable endeavors to re imburse you where possible. However, the Company shall be entitled to deduct from any refund recoverable the reasonable actual and potential costs to the Company of the Force Majeure.
5.5. Regarding civil unrest, once the Company has investigated the prevailing situation as it deems fit, it shall remain in the Company's sole and absolute discretion whetter to proceed with the trip. You may in such circumstances cancel the trip. However, if after having made all reasonable and proper inquires, the Company is of the opinion that the trip may proceed, no refund will be payable to you and the provisions of Paragraph II shall apply.
6. Insurance The Company strongly recommends that you obtain the following types of insurance which are commercially available . Accidental death and disability. . Major Medical . Enmergency medical evacuation.. Loss of personal effects. Trip cancellation
7. Surcharges Although the Company hopes that it will not need to levy surcharges, it reserves the right to do so on the invoice amount, if this becomes necessary. The Company will endeavor to notify you in writing as soon as it is aware of any likely surcharge and you must pay the amount of such surcharge no later than seven (7) days after written notification has been received (depending on the circumstances]. If the surcharge is not paid within such time, the Company may construe such non-payment as an act of cancellation on your part and the provisions of Clause 2 shall apply. Any refund made by the Company shall be in its sole and absolute discretion.
8. Import Permits & Trophy Shipment Trophy Shipment can take 3 to 15 months from some countries due to local regulations. The client is fully responsible to getting necessary import permit for his ad difficulties.
9. Terms&Conditions These terms and conditions govern the relationship between the Company and you, to the total exclusion of any other terms and conditions. No alteration to the terms and conditions may be made by any of the Company employees,authorized representatives or agents, unless in writting by an authorized officer of the Company. All decisions and matters subject to the Company's discretion shall be made by the Company shall be made by an authorized officer of the Company.
10. Carriage by land, Sea&Air Carriage by Land, Sea and Air is subject to the terms and conditions of the carrier with whom you travel and to international conventions some of which may limit liability Land, Sea and Air travel are also subject to operational decisions of carriers and air and sea ports which may result in cancellations, delays or diversions, over which the Company has no control and for which the Company accepts no liability whatsoever.
11. Baggage Temporary or permanent loss of baggage is the responsibility of you or the carrier.
12.TravėlDóčuments&Vaccinations It is your responsibility to ensure that passports, visas, travel permits, health certifi- cates, inoculations, international driving license, or other documentation required for the trip are obtained and are in order. It is your responsibility to meet any additional costs incurred either by yourself f or by the Company on your behalf as a result of any d,failure by you to comply with such requirements )
13. Special Requests You must advise the Company in writing of any special requests, e.g. diet or facility ot when you submit your reservation to the Company. The Company will meet any such requests if possible.
14. Information in the Brochure
All information given in companies brochure is, to the best of the Company's knowledge, correct at the time of going to press, but the Company reserves the right to
change the same. The photographs reproduced and information provided in the brochure depict typical scenes experienced and details on each destination; but the subject matter may not necessarily be seen or experienced while visiting that destination.
15. Photography
The Company reserves the right without further notice to make use of any photography
or film taken on the trip by our staff for general purposes without payment or permission. Where a client makes available to the Company photographs of their own, theCompany reserves the right to make use ofsuch photos.
16. Disputes
If you have any cause for complaint while travelling, you must immediately bring it to the attention of the Company's local representative or agent who will attempt to resolve the situation.
17. Consent
The payment of the deposit or any other partial payment for a reservation on a safari constitutes consent to all provisions of the conditions and general information con- tained in companies brochure & price list. The terms under which you agree to take these safaris cannot be changed or amended except in writing signed by an authorized officer of the Company.
18. Money Paid to Booking Agents Your booking agent will forward deposits and other payments to us on your behalf. Since our booking agent is not our agent for the purpose of receipt of monies, there is no liability on your part unless and until we notify you (by way of a Booking Confirma- tion) that monies paid have been received by us. We will issue a Booking Confirmation to your agent immediately upon receipt of their payment an your behalf.
19. Conditions of Booking
You shall comply with the instructions of the Company's representatives at all times. No client shall be accepted or be permitted to continue on a safari while their status of mental or physical condition is, in the opinion of any representative of the Company, such as to render them incapable of caring for themselves or make themselvesobjectionable to other clients or become a hazard to themselves or other clients andthe Company will not be responsible for expenses by such persons precluded fromcompleting the safari for this reason.
20. Notice of Enforceability
Please remember: When you book travel related services with the Company, you are entering into a binding agreement that assumes all terms and conditions are fully understood as stated in companies brochure & price list.
21. Your Bookings Agent's Responsibility
At Caliber7 Safaris ., we are very proud of our relationship with booking agents throughout the world.To facilities the reservations process for you, Caliber7 Safaris requests its booking agent to provide you with through communications pertaining to your booking. Your agent has been provided with a list of responsibilities to assist and inform you on matters such as required documentation, payment schedules and can- cellation policies. Your agent will asist you to the best of his/her ability in providing answers and information pertaining to your booking.
NOTE: All trophy and daily fees, hunting, terms and condition subject to change without notice, by the Wildlife Department of the countries you have booked and Caliber7 Safaris is not responsible for this kind of changes and client accept to pay possible trophy fee increases by the game department.

Clothing Items
Always depend on the time you will come to hunt, but we are going to see some general ideas.
In general lightweight clothing means synthetics (fleece, nylon, poly, etc.). Always when backpacking weight is a restricting factor, we do not need to forget that synthetics are lighter and quicker to dry. Wool is still as good as ever, but it is heavier than fleece and a lot harder to dry. It is a better Windstopper or Windbloc Fleece, more outdoor resisting and warm when wet. Don’t worry too much about having everything in camouflage. The most important is : three different layers of clothing.
The best are backpacker pants or biking or cross country ski pants of the stretchy type. Look for the pants and jacket with Windbloc fleece. During the hunt the weather can change from nice and warm to really cold. Make sure the high-tech stuff you buy is noiseless.
Rain Gear
Look for something light, durable and noiseless. Gore Tex is just one of the options when it comes to breathable water stoppers but it is more expensive and noisier than others. Do not buy something cheap that will be noisy, hot and sweaty, rips instantly and soaks through after an hour in the rain. You need the best.
There is some high-tech underwear on the market that is ultra light and takes a little space. Look for products of Thermax, MTP, Thermastat, Capalene, polar fleece or polypropylene (these are good but they hold odours). The cotton will do as well. Some warm, thermal long johns and long sleeved shirt will be important in wintertime.
Everything works, from cotton and wool to fleece. The warm days last till the middle of December but be prepared to see snow as well!
A hat is needed to keep the sun out of your eyes. The later the season gets, the more important becomes to have a wool hat with ear flaps to keep you warm as snow, wind or rain can start at any moment of the day.
A light pair is nice for hiking or trekking in cool conditions. You will also need a warm pair, especially later in winter.
This is the most important item on your list. Footsore people cannot walk. The boots should be comfortable, broken in, not about to wear out and suited for steep, rocky terrain. A very stiff sole is as essential as are few seams. Look for the boots the mountain climbers use. The rocky terrain of the Spanish lands is very rough and sharp rocks can tear the shoes. Look for a model that has only two seams and take two sets of insoles, an old one and a new one. Changing between the two insoles might help eliminate hot spots. Be sure your boots are thinsulate and waterproof. Your feet have to stay dry and warm. Leather hiking boots are good.
Large backpacks either have an internal or external frame. We recommend an internal frame that is more comfortable and quieter. The pack should have a volume of 35 litres. Your entire outfit will have to fit in it. Try on several packs and choose the one that seems to be the most comfortable to wear.
Additional outside pockets and features to attach e.g. the thermarest make life on the trail a lot easier. You should also buy a waterproof pack cover; otherwise a garbage bag will have to be used to keep your gear dry.
Don’t scrimp on the optics. Buy very good, waterproof binoculars. They will not only last this hunt – you will love them forever. Leica, Zeiss and Swarovski are the top binocular lines you should be looking for. For ibexes hunting we recommend 10×40, 10×42 or 10×50. Remember that they need to be lightweight as well. Our guides usually carry spotting scopes and range finders. If you feel more comfortable taking yours as a back up or if you have a very good quality scope you might want to bring it. A tripod for the scope should be foldable and not exceed 2,20 pounds (1 kg).
It is very important that you know your gun and feel comfortable shooting it. Hunting preparations should include shooting practice from different positions including free hand. Practice shots from 225 yards (205 m) for ibex, chamois, mouflon, barbary sheep and balear goat; red deer and fallow deer from around 100 yards (91 m). A minimum calibre of 270 WIN and up with a minimum weight of 140 grains (9,07 gr) and up is recommended. In a standard setting your gun should shoot 3 inches (76,2 mm) high on 100 yards (91 m). You will be provided with the proper documentation to bring your gun into Turkey.
If you do not feel comfortable about bringing your own gun we have the gun rental service.
Remember: Scope rifle ,Gun Strap, Scope covers, Ammunition Case (metallic or plastic box) & Ammunition (2 boxes with twenty rounds each)
You can pack your luggage on a suitcase or a bag, it doesn’t matter the size, but you should take into account the weight allowed by the airline in order to avoid any charge due to an excess of luggage. The rifle must be kept in a designed box for arms and the ammunition must be placed in a separate box, this will be regulated by the current normative, and you will have to afford the established tax. We will carry your entire luggage to the hunting area and the hotel as well.
Please, contact us in order to know specifically information about the country you travel.
Professional area; Providing high value, innovative and reliable products and solutions to the domestic and international customers, especially the valued hunters ...
To be hunting company that is conscious of the environment and human being, who is trusted as a strategic partner, which is preferred by its competitiveness and protects its sustainable growth with the values it creates in global markets.
Let’s meet and talk about your next hunt with us!